There wasn't a cloud in the sky as I drove through the darkness. The dregs of the sunlight lit the horizon and the gravestone stood out in stark contrast.
Red Eye
The morning sun was so red in the purple sky as I drove along the highway. The sun peeked above the trees. Storms came later.
The Grid A
Most of the time I avoid manmade objects in my photos. One of the few exceptions I make are power lines. There is something about those powerful towers stretching to the horizon over cleared ground, especially when the sky looks like this.
Captured Sunset
Night had almost fallen and the streetlights had come on a while back. The sun slipped below the horizon, but was still caught in the globe of the lamp.
Winter Oaks
It was a bleak winter day. Dreary. Gray. Towards nightfall the clouds began to disperse, just enough to fill the sky with fire.
Driving down the road in the fading light. The sky over the horse farm was on fire, fading to indigo.
Ray's Escape
The sun peeked above the trees, it's rays escaping above and behind the clouds, and it was obvious that it was going to be a glorious day.
Waves of Color
It was pink outside. Pink everywhere, illuminating the yard and silhouetting the trees in darkness.